A Beginner’s Guide to Using the Internet
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A Beginner’s Guide to Using the Internet

A Beginner’s Guide to Using the Internet

It must be said, even by the most ardent supporter of computers, computing technologies, and the internet, that there are a considerable number of security risks and other safety concerns associated with embracing technology. 

However, if you ensure you have the right security measures in place and ensure you use the internet responsibly, then it can also be a hugely beneficial part of modern-day life.

With this in mind, continue reading to discover a beginner’s guide to using the internet. 

Security First

First and foremost, even if you have never so much as googled anything in your life, you are still likely to be aware of the various dangers associated with banking and the sharing of other confidential data and information online. 

Now, you may well get to the point whereby you actively strive, for example, to only use online banking, but in the beginning, and certainly whilst you are still familiarizing yourself with the internet, you should avoid this. If your main motivation for learning how to use the internet is related to finances, then it becomes an absolute necessity to install high-end and comprehensive security software. 

The Main Things the Internet Is Used For

Aside from the practice of online banking on the internet, there is also a plethora of other uses, such as online shopping, research for students, or simply for self-motivated educational needs and storing photos, videos, and other data.

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Other primary uses of the internet include educational purposes, social media websites, emails, and video conferencing for businesses. 

Learn Some Key Terms

Although fascinating, nobody would ever expect you to know, for example, how jitter affects your internet speed and connectivity, right now, but it would be useful to begin to familiarize yourself with some basic keywords and terms used to describe the internet and what it can do.

Such key phrases include, amongst a host of others, the following:

  • URL – The website address of the page you are looking for.
  • IP Address – The individual serial number of the laptop, tablet or phone used.
  • Email – Electronic mail sent from one screen to the next.
  • Browser – An app or program displaying graphics and search bars to help navigate.
  • ISP – Internet Service Provider that supplies internet to your home.

Social Media

Social media is essentially a way of connecting one person to another, whether that be family members who see each other regularly, friends who have lost contact over the years, or else making new friends and even meeting a partner. 

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Born from the ‘mother’ of social media websites, ‘Myspace’, there are now several popular social media websites, including Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram and, although each social media platform has its unique selling point, they are all much of a muchness.

Even though social media is fabulous, not to mention entirely free, way of connecting with others, it has to be said that there have been numerous studies conducted both in the US and farther afield which have proven there to be several negative effects too.