How much does a new website Designing cost?
There’s not a single answer to this question. A website design is quoted based on the complete requirements of each individual project. Every website has unique concept and requires different components. Most of our sites run in the Rs. 15,000 – Rs. 65,000 range, but can be more or less depending on the requirements.
How long will it take to get a new website?
On average, we take for a three to six weeks turnaround, but the pace of any project is set by each client. How much input you can provide during the initial stages, your availability for feedbacks, how soon the content is ready – all these affects the speed of completion.
Do you only create WordPress websites?
No. There is no doubt in that WordPress is a great content management system that now powers more than 30% of the web, but we also provide web designing services on other platforms and technologies. For now, we are working angular, react and Node.
Do I have to be local to work with you?
Nope! Most of the clients are from different countries as well as different Indian cities. Our team work uses team viewer, Skype and Google Meet to get in touch with clients, and we share work reports, work progress sheet via emails.
Will my website be mobile-friendly?
Absolutely! Having a mobile-friendly website is more important due to heavy user-base of mobile users.! All our websites are 100% mobile responsive and device friendly.
What if I need help on my site down the road?
We are only an email/call away! We’re always here to help you as much or as little as you need. We’ve been doing this work for many years with all the clients, so we aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.